Amrita School Tanur conducted Amrita Inter School Chess Tournament on 22/07/2024. 50 students from our school participated and were able to lift up FIRST RUNNER UP trophy. The category wise position are as follows: Under-10 category Aadil Shan (III position)
The school organized a Career Guidance class for students of classes IX to Xll on 20/7/2024. Mr. Sanu Sugathan, Career counsellor was the resource person. The session was highly interactive and fruitful.
“Rain is not only drops of water, it is the love of sky. ” MES, Campus School Pre primary Montessori celebrated Rainy day on 18/7/2024.It was the end of expectation of our kids to play in the puddles.All the kids
Under the initiative of School Magazine committee , a team of students got an opportunity to interact with Mr. Vijayan Chathanoor, a great drama artist and state award winner on July 13.
World Population Day was observed on July 11 under the guidance of Department of Computer Science. Poster making competition was conducted for the students of class VII and P.I. Mohammed Haris (VII A) prepared the poster for World Population day.
The Synergy 2024-25 event was successfully held at Nazreth School, Manjeri on July 13,2024,Saturday aiming to promote collaboration and professional development among regional educators. The English session was led by our English faculty,Mrs. Zarina A ( TGT, English ). The